Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shout Out to Bella Photography

Photos courtesy of Bella Photography

 Let me just start out by saying that I usually dislike having my picture taken.  I have lots of childhood memories of uncomfortable, awkward family photos (not quite like these), but ones that seemed a bit forced.  Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate those photos, looking back--the way they captured a moment in time.  However, the whole process of getting them taken was less than pleasurable--from holding a pose for extended periods of time to incorporating strange props.  Don't even get me started on my wedding photos!!!  Disaster!

So, when I found out that I needed some professional photos for a Beauty Launchpad Magazine advertorial, I wasn't too excited.  I flipped through my contacts and found Bella Photography, by Holli Stevenson (Cincinnati, OH), whose work I had seen online. We met at Eden Park for a photo session that has changed my mind about having my picture taken

 Holli was professional, personable, and laid back.  I felt at ease getting my picture taken.  And the result?  Fabulous photos that I was proud to submit to Beauty Launchpad! Here are just a few of my favorites.

Please visit the Bella Photography Facebook Page, where you can view and vote for some of "Bella's Best Photos!"

Find out more about Bella Photography, including contact information by visiting: http://mybellaphotography.vpweb.com/